Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
At Newance, we believe in equality.
We infuse these concepts into our work and are always working to improve ourselves and our process.
A job posting alone is not enough.
Beyond a Job Posting
We utilize a wide variety of sources and techniques to ensure representative and diverse talent pipelines. We encourage our partners to do the same including maintaining the list below of job boards & partners for inclusive tech and creative hiring across the Midwest. If we missed a great organization, please add it. It's important to note that the partner organizations above are formed for the benefit of their members (not to make a recruiter's life easier!) so as you look to partner think first about how you might be able to support their work.
We also check job descriptions for clarity and unbiased language. No. Don’t say you want a “guru”... We also like Textio, TapRecruit or at minimum a cross-functional and cross-cultural personal review.
We audit our candidate submittals weekly and our hires monthly for representation. We encourage our clients to create fair and standardized interview criteria prior to the start of any search including objective measures or useful third party platforms wherever possible such as CodeSignal. We’re constantly working on checking our own biases through training and ongoing conversations. We don’t just take “not a culture fit” as an answer.
We focus on salary expectations rather than salary history. We utilize Payscale in combination with other resources and our own database to provide objective compensation data and reference in offer negotiations.
We provide team wide compensation and performance audits for our clients in addition to infusing equity focused tools in our Managing for this Moment series. Ya know, maybe that woman isn’t just “bossy”…
If you’re looking specifically for bias and inclusion training we happily recommend Cream City Conservation, Hustle Crew or The Brimful Life!
Inclusive Job Boards &
Community Partners
Important PSA: Job boards & partner organizations are wonderful when your culture is wonderful.
Retention work is the real first step in recruitment work.