Your resume: How to get it found by tech & noticed by humans.
How to get your resume found by tech.
Yes, put your location on your resume. Mailing address is less important but city & zip of where you live and/or where you would live will help your resume to show up in a search. Recruiters use either automated tools or search strings with a zip code radius to find you.
Yes, keep it reasonable in length. Controversial opinion here: outside of entry level ones, two pages is totally fine! I’d rather understand who you are in a clear way than read size 8 font to keep it all on one page.
Yes, put it online. If you put it on a major job board like Indeed, others will likely scrape it. Try to pick one either huge and/or specific to your industry such as Behance for creatives.
Some of us “old school” (I like to think enterprising :D) recruiters will also use Google to search for your blog and/or URLs with the words “Resume” or “CV” in them. It’s also great additional information on your LinkedIn. Not everyone will read it there but it will help in search results.
Yes, list the tech stack or tools you use. Listing the tech stack is an easy way to bump up keyword matches. We suggest listing the stack for all of your recent roles and only some of your older roles if you truly wouldn’t go back to that technology. For instance, list your current React Native work but maybe summarize your VB.NET time as Microsoft technologies. This will reduce messages about VB.NET coming your way.
How to get your resume noticed by humans.
Yes, have more than one. Highlighting the most relevant work and experience will make your resume stand out. Many of us have “jack or jill of all trades” experiences and that’s valuable in the team. But it’s much harder to assess and hire for. Make it easy for recruiters and managers by focusing in on the most relevant work.
Yes, focus on results. Instead of responsibilities list results! This shows that you not only held a position but thrived in it. As many of these results that can be numbers or statistics, the better.
Yes, make it look good. But keep it clean. Systems have a hard time with images and other decorative elements. They can also be hard on the eyes. If in doubt, pick a modern readable font and keep the margins clean.
Yes, write so anyone can understand it. Avoid lingo specific to your company. Every company uses different titles so in your description, you'll need to help anyone from a recruiter to a future peer or manager really understand what your work entails. There will often be industry specific language but never assume that's the same company to company. Look to the job description they post for inspiration on their language.
How to make it easy.
Yes, keep it up. Updating year or so helps you to avoid the panic of a sudden need and starting from scratch. And helps to remind you of your awesome work!
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